...she chortled in her joy!
Hi and welcome to new followers of Hollyhock Cottage. I hope you enjoy the sporadic progress of this little house.
Finally I have some progress to show you!
The upstairs walls, both sets of stairs and the attic floor are glued in place! A milestone which has been slow to reach thanks to continual procrastination as it is much more fun playing with the bits done and making new little bits than doing the many boring building bits required.
Paula you are a wise woman growing your village with ready built houses!
Doors with latches are in place, wires for lights and fires are in place, stair rail isn't in place...ooops. I knew I would forget something.
I have banned myself from 'trying out furniture to see how it looks' and am also banned from making bits of furniture, accessories and other fun bits until the windows are made, the fronts (walls and roof) on and the roof thatched! At the moment I am thrilled to have completed this much and seeing it actually become a cottage so I will be strong! (wish me luck)
Even the definite slope to the attic flooor isn't worrying me. (Did I actually measure the walls when putting the woods in to hold it a couple of years ago, I wonder?)
Off to grin idiotically at the frontless and roofless cottage and make more plans!