The roses on the table are from my garden - 'The Fairy' for those who love horticultural minis as well.
I have heaps of new followers to welcome now as well:
Going back from most recent is Lainie from http://lainieslittlethings.blogspot.com/ I haven't had time to fully explore her blog, but the glimpse I have had shows promise of much reading and admiring to do.
Next is Kim with 2 blogs and my mouth waters just thinking of posting the link to her mini blog, full of exquisite mini cakes and pastries http://kimsminiatures.blogspot.com/ and her other of gorgeous little dolls. http://itsaminiaturelifedolls.blogspot.com/ . I had no idea of the variety of small dolls about until I began this journey.
Then there is Susan who made me chuckle because I have been unofficially following her blog for a while, and when I saw her small handcrochet bear as a follower here I couldn't remember where I knew it from until I went in for a peek. Needless to say her avatar bear is a hint of the delights and inspiration you will find at http://minicrochetmad.blogspot.com/
Carolyn's work at http://carolynslittlekitchen.blogspot.com/ I just love! I went in expecting food but found so much more and everything is so pretty! I seem to manage practical and cheerful and envy those who do pretty so apparently effortlessly. My friend Cherie (she who can make an egg carton a treasured gift) has the skill too.
Cheryl is at http://aminiatureplace.blogspot.com/ and we share the same loves of antiques, decorating and miniatures. I love her 1:48 storybook cottage in particular.
I visited Daydreamer and saw so much of myself on her blog pages - we even have the same wallpaper! http://aboutmydollhouses.blogspot.com/ She is branching off to the world of castles now while I will be in my cottage for a while yet and I look forward to watching her progress.
The Dangerous Mezzo is a name I trip over every time I go blog browsing! Not only does she keep up with everybody's blogs (I know this because she comments as well) but she makes the most amazing creations and runs several blogs, a shop and a website! http://tudordollhouse.blogspot.com/ http://lunenburgartist.blogspot.com/ http://artfiredup.blogspot.com/ http://www.artfire.com/users/dangerousmezzo http://ninascottstoddart.com/ Wow!
And http://kilmouskiandme.blogspot.com/ is just beautiful. It is full of miniature pieces of gracious living, maybe as you would expect from an artist and metalsmith. I go just to sigh over the perfection that can be found in the miniature world from the top artists.
Now to go to some of my earlier followers, there is Eva Krog, who I know has a blog because I visited it a couple of days ago, but she isn't showing from here. When I track her down, I'll post a link.
Addit: Found it! http://evasminiaturehobby.blogspot.com/
Also known to many here, from what have been reading, is a lovely lady from My Wee Life http://my-wee-life.blogspot.com/ and Debbie, lover of all things mini including horses! http://hericusminiatureshetlandstud.blogspot.com/ and blogging with several other blogs including http://debbiestinytreasures.blogspot.com/ http://magicalminiatures.blogspot.com/ Looking at various posts, I think Debbie may be a number of people's technical support.
Miniature work has been slowing down a little as real life home painting (not to mention happily reading other people's blogs!) takes priority, but I have managed a small side table based on one owned by an elderly relative in my childhood and remembered very vaguely. Actually my strongest memory is of my sister and I playing 'house' between the top and the bottom. It must have been a very tolerant Great Aunt I think.
This one is made from a strip of walnut cut into 2 lengths and was satisfying to work out how the wood should be cut for best effect. Even though it isn't as ornate as the one I remember, it has that solid 40s feel about it, so I am satisfied.
Cheers, to all, Christine
Thanks for the warm welcome Christine.
ReplyDeleteI loooove your wonderful table! That's the neatest little thing!! It has the hallmarks of real furniture, not dollshousey.
Thank you. It has a nice 'feel' as if it is something real and I think it must be because it isn't pine or a light timber which lots of minis seem to be made from.
ReplyDeleteThank you for the lovely welcome Christine. I do try and help everyone, if they have problems with their blogs, if I can. LOL You might also like my other blog http:/tinytreasuresminilinks.blogspot.com/ just to let you know that your blog has been added there..